Seneca logo CPR101 — Week 8

Think Like a Programmer, User Interfaces, Time Management

CP4P_Learning to Be a Programmer.pptx Learning to Be a Programmer
CP4P_UI and Time Management.pptx Lecture PowerPoint slides
CP4P_UI-TimeMgmt_Activity_Instructions.pdf Activity Instructions
CP4P_UI-TimeMgmt_Activity_Answers.docx Activity Answer document
CP4P_UI user interface handout.docx In Class Exercise
Show provenance of _Activity_Answers development.docx How to show you did the work


Estimate your final mark in this course: Course Marks Estimator.xlsx
N.B. Blackboard's Overall Grade, if shown in the Gradebook, displays a value based on a subset of marks and should not be considered a reliable indicator of progress in the course.

"There is more to life than increasing its speed." — Gandhi

Cramming does not work. The little you gain from reviewing late into the night, the more you lose in IQ points the next day. Studing is not about memorizing, learning is about encoding and retrieval. Encoding requires sleep, retrieval requires spaced practice. Both are the very opposite of cramming. Study tips from a U of T memory researcher who had to pass History and learn English:

From the New York Times... (use the Seneca library)