Seneca logo CPR101 — Week 7

IT Jobs,
Open Source Software,
Software Licensing,
Intellectual Property,
Legislation & Regulation

CP4P_SoftwareLicensing-IP-Legislation-Regulation.pptx Lecture PowerPoint slides
see Activity slide and answer document. Activity Instructions
CP4P_SoftwareLicensing-IP-Legislation-Regulation_Activity_Answers.docx Activity Answer document
Show provenance of _Activity_Answers development.docx How to show you did the work


A programmer's partner asked him to go to the grocery store, "Buy a carton of milk and, if they have bananas, buy 6." 
Off the programmer went and returned with milk.
"Why did you buy six cartons?"
"Because they had bananas."

A week later, the same programmer is about to run some errands. Their partner says, "While you're out, get milk."
They never came back. (Neighbours reported a shortage of milk at local stores.)

How do programmers ever get out of the shower in the morning?
The instructions on the shampoo bottle say: lather, rinse, repeat.

How to become a developer: A TechRepublic cheat sheet

Course Marks Estimator.xlsx

Automation and robotics are a double edge sword: they displace and create jobs.