Seneca logo CPR101 — Week 1

Course Introduction, File Systems, Visual Studio demo

Lecture PowerPoint slides      
CP4P_Introduction-Activity-Instructions.pdf Activity Instructions
Read this after the PPT slides. Then read it again.
VS Code on macOS.pdf
Install Visual Studio (IDE or Code) on your computer
CP4P_Visual-Studio-demo.pdf   Do this before IPC144.
Also see Getting Started. There is much there to show and demonstrate the step-by-step seen in the demo document here.
CP4P_Introduction-Activity-Answers.docx Your activity answers go in this document.
This is the only file to be submitted.
...useful supporting information below...  
Visual Studio Terminal cmd line.pdf transfer, compile, run on matrix server
via command line from within Visual Studio
CP4P_File-systems-and-mounting.pdf Knowledge of file systems is less and less necessary on personal computers, smartphones, and tablets.
However, it is critical for ICT people to know in server and development environments.
One of those development environments is your computer.
CP4P_Windows-File-Explorer.pptx Windows File Explorer info
CP4P_Keyboard-Shortcuts-Windows-and-Visual-Studio.pptx Keyboard shortcuts info
CP4P_Keyboard-Shortcuts_Visual-Studio.pdf Keyboard shortcuts walkthrough & reference
Five shortcuts to boost your productivity in VS from the Microsoft developer blogs
Visual Studio keyboard shortcuts.pdf VS keyboard shortcuts will save you time
Windows Keyboard Shortcuts.pdf Windows keyboard shortcuts will save you time


Filenames starting with CP4P indicate 'Computer Principles for Programmers'.

Begin by reading the Activity Instructions. Then read it again.

If you are not making progress after rereading the slides and activity details, email your instructor with details and screen shots of the point you are stuck on. See Faculty Contact Information in Blackboard. Microsoft Teams allow us to share screens and discuss issues in real time; it works best when the Teams app is installed locally instead of through a browser.

If you want to make any editorial comments on the lecture, the activity, or things in general, please feel free to do so at the top of your activity answers document. When you save that file, feel free to use your own naming convention.

This first topic of Computer Principles for Programmers helps you get a running start at your C programming course by using the Visual Studio programming tool. VS Code is a very similar option.

Follow Up Quiz

If ICT was simple, easy, and quick, then no one would pay us to do it.

ICT is a discipline which often needs much explanation. (ICT = Information and Communications Technology)

Worth a look

PBS,  Crash Course in Computer Science,  Harvard’s CS50, course site, youtube channel, perhaps the best intro to Comp Sci on the planet. A review of CS50 from someone who knows.

Should we fear artificial intelligence?  Steven Pinker says...
Don't confuse intelligence with dominance: a designed intelligence isn't necessarily imbued with megalomania. Hopefully, the latter would be designed out. Will humans be collateral damage after AI takes over? Only if...
  1. Humans are so gifted that they can design an omniscient and omnipotent AI, yet so idiotic that they would give it control without testing how it works.

    [The potentially idiotic mistake being made now is allowing anyone to use LLM (Large Language Model) AI (Artificial Intelligence with emphasis on Artificial and Intelligence being mostly iterative associations). Most people do not have the critical awareness to use it likely because human minds are naturally lazy. The issue is not that we are giving the AI control, it is that we are using AI without knowing how it works. See Generative Pre-trained Transformer

  2. The AI would be so brilliant that it could figure out how to transmute elements, rewire brains and other superpowers, yet so imbecilic that it would wreak havoc based on elementary blunders of misunderstanding.

    [Humans have proved themselves very good at being imbecilic and illogical. We need an AI to correct and constrain humans, not to help the humans scale new heights of imbecility by skipping the understanding of AI itself.]