Seneca logo CPR101 — Week 6

Networking, Clients, Servers, Clouds as a Service

CP4P_ClientsServersClouds.pptx Lecture PowerPoint slides
CP4P_ClientsServersClouds_Activity_Instructions.pdf Activity Instructions, updated Wed. June 12 15:00 for clarity
CP4P_ClientsServersClouds_Activity_Answers.docx Activity Answer document
Show provenance of _Activity_Answers development.docx How to show you did the work


What kind of cloud service is this? (May require Seneca VPN if a cryptic error message is shown.)

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology has a presence at TORIX.
Look what domains are at

How networks of networks work. The Toronto Internet Exchange (TORIX) is Canada’s largest IXP, one of the largest in the world and a critical interconnection point for the organizations which connect Canadians to each other and to the world.

How does the Internet Work? - general infrastructure (video)

How does the Internet Work: A Step-by-Step Pictorial

The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) HTML reference for Web Apps & APIs

As We May Think by Vannevar Bush. An original vision for an information society.

The Mozilla Foundation supports an open Internet, a global public resource that is open and accessible to all.