Seneca logo CPR101Welcome Students


Video Presentation Orientation to Seneca's administration and resources
17 minute video.
FAQ.pdf Frequently Asked Questions


Your Student Intranet – Announcements and Links to Student Resources

The Service Hub – How can we help?

Important Academic Dates

Problems accessing Seneca systems? email or call 416.764.0411, and see the ITS Support page.
Problems using Seneca systems? Contact the Learning Centre
See also Student Home page  Student Services and Support

FYI, per StatsCan Postsecondary enrolments in 2021/2022 Released: 2023-11-22
Postsecondary enrolments, by detailed field of study, institution, and program and student characteristics (

Out of 236 colleges, polytechnics, and universities in Canada...

Seneca is the largest college / polytechnic in Canada ranking 16th of 236, or the 93rd percentile.

The School of Computer Programming & Analysis, with ~6,500 students as of Winter 2024, ranks 93.5 / 236 or the 60th percentile.
Our school alone is larger than more than half the post-secondary educational institutions in Canada.